Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hesech Hada'at

The first Zivug comes B'Hesech Hada'at, in confusion, almost illegally, in public, but in secrecy, with a level of Mirmah, and yet completely honest. Israel will grab the Land. Oy, to the nation that stands in the way.

ויוסף הוא השליט על הארץ הוא המשביר לכל עם הארץ

And Yosef was ruler over the land, he was the provider to all people in the land. (Genesis 42:6)

- תם הבלוג -

Yovel Year

This relief is very fitting for a Yovel year, and 5776 is a Yovel year.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Darkness is Coming

This report is not surprising given these reports. It is very surprising in itself. What forces the US to do this? They care so much about the Arabs, that they will impose a state on them? A state that the Arabs themselves do not want? It makes no sense. The reason must be opposite. The US hate the Jews so much that they will take their land to impose a failed Arab state on them. That makes sense. The darkness is coming, first of all to the US.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Sanhedrin

Although Zeir Anpin is not fully ready until 5786, the first Zivug is earlier. The Sanhedrin, may it be so. The members must be able to repeat the Ramchal, that the study of Halacha is for them, personally, not the Ikkar, Klal v'Klal, and altogether Tafel. It may seem paradoxical, but they will be able to pasken Halacha, which connects Nefesh HaAdam to the Divine, and defines the Neshama of the Nation.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Two Legs

The two legs here are of Moshiach ben Yosef and of Moshiach ben David, and both are the same 420 years. However, this is not all. The one that is Machria between Ez Meshuleshet and Ayil Meshulash is Eglah Meshuleshet, the principle of טצ"ץ. This is what is meant by Kol HaTor 2:76:

עו) משוה רגלי כאילות (שמואל ב׳ כ״ב) – רגלי כאילות הם ב׳ המשיחין המקננים בנצח והוד ועומדות בשערי ירושלם הבנויה והוא תפקידו של מב״י לשוות את הרגלים האלה, רגלי הדום ה׳ באופן שווה וישר תצ״ט ופלגא משמאלא ותצ״ט ופלגא מימינא ויחד טצ״ץ ביסוד

Not only Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David are equal, also Din and Chesed, simultaneously, in accordance with the principle of טצ"ץ, in the direction of Chesed and Moshiach ben David.