Monday, October 21, 2013

Rabbi Meir Kahane

Tonight is the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Meir Kahane. He was murdered on 18 Marcheshvan 5751, close, very close, to t(7), 35.75 years before t(8). Rabbi Meir Kahane was seen by many, including yours truly, as Moshiach ben Yosef. He was called a racist by others, and was "democratically" kicked out of the "democratic" process.

His death was also right after Chatsot HaYom, fulfilling the words of the holy Ramchal:

ומשיח בן יוסף נמי ביומא שתיתאה בתר פלגו דיומא אתחזיאת לה מותא לאתקנא תקונא שלים. ומתמן ולהלאה יתחברון תרין אילנין כחדא למהוי בשלימו חד

And also Moshiach ben Yosef is destined to die on the sixth day after Chatzot HaYom, to achieve a perfect Tikkun. From then on, the two trees (Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David) are combined into one, to be one in wholeness.

(Tikkun 8, Tikkunim Chadashim)

HaShem Yikom Damo.